Lost Souls

The forsaken lost souls suffer endless punishment and abuse for all eternity at the hands of the legion lords. Given a second chance, can they withstand the forces of darkness?

Nicodemus (Lash)

Nicodemus (Lash)

Alive: Alive In the time of the Olympian gods
Height: 6' 5"
Eyes: Blue when alive, black in death
Hair: Black
Marked by: The brand of the Dark Prince
Sin: Physically attacking the Olympian gods with the will to destroy them
Usual punishment: The lash
Rewards: None
Strength: Acceptance of his fate
Weakness: Compassion
Misses: His family

The Olympian gods had always shown themselves to Nicodemus' people without disguise as long as his kin, known as "the giants", offered the gods sumptuous sacrifices and banquets.

One day, their king said no more. Nicodemus was ordered to war against the gods, who seemed to want nothing more than slaves fetching for them.

His people fought boldly and Nicodemus was a fierce warrior, but he and the other mortal warriors were no match for the Olympians.

When Nicodemus' brother Kleos fell bloody to the ground, he atoned for raising arms against another. But Nicodemus was struck through the heart by a thunderbolt hurled by Zeus himself and died instantly.

Now Kleos lives in paradise in Afterworld while Nicodemus and Zeus suffer every form of torture in Netherworld.

Lash's story is told in Dark Sentinel.

Olivia Sutcliff

Olivia Sutcliff

Alive: London 1869-1888
Height: 5' 2"
Eyes: Green when alive, black in death
Hair: Red
Marked by: The brand of the Dark Prince
Sin: Whatever it took to survive
Usual punishment: The snake pits
Rewards: None
Strength: Adaptability
Weakness: Fear
Misses: Her mum

Olivia grew up in London where clear lines in society existed. Equality wasn't found among the classes, or the sexes. She and her mother got by the best they could until her mother's death. Olivia's world turned dark as she was forced to fight for survival. Her existence in Netherworld was sealed on a convict ship.

Olivia's story is told in Dark Chance.